Time, a true gift
We are blessed with volunteers who give generously of their time, energy and service to help the adults with disabilities in our programs.
In honor of National Volunteer Week, here is just one story of how our volunteers make a difference.
Carolyn volunteers one day a week, mostly spending 1 on 1 time, working with clients that may be learning to write their name, learning to tell time or to count money.
Carolyn has been working with a gentleman with his money skills, as pictured here. They are concentrating on recognizing the coins and adding and making change. After a few weeks of practice, this individual was able to go into a local store and confidently count out his change to make his purchase without any needed assistance.
The smile and pride on his face was clear for all to see.
Just one hour for a few weeks with this one person made an enormous difference! Thank you Carolyn!
We are continuously grateful for all our volunteers, this week and always.
Do you have compassion, patience and a little time to volunteer? We would love to hear from you!